WEEK ONE: I forewent the W.I. Crafts Evening in the end, because I was coughing like I don't know what - a 19th century courtesan, perhaps? Metaphor regardless I was pretty disappointed about missing out, as the lady in question wrote the very book I gave Charlotte for her birthday. O well. On the Thursday my mum came to London and we had a day of early early Christmas shopping. We had cupcakes at the Primrose Bakery (and a box or two to take away) and spent an awful lot of money in the Covent Garden Cath Kidston shop. I now have tins and oven gloves to add to my ever-expanding collection of pretty kitchenware. We ate dinner at Bella Italia and then there was a long goodbye on a Euston platform (Christmas! Christmas!) On the Friday Charlotte and David paid a quick visit following a concert in Islington. We had a major lie-in and lunch in Greenwich, but missed out on any market time. The next day however, I went back to Greenwich with my housemates+ and did the stalls some justice. We bought sweets from Mr Humbug (fudge for me, excruciatingly sour sour balls for Gabby) and I bought the most amazing sock monkey hat. His name is Julius and I love him:
We went to Wetherspoons for lunch and then to Cineworld for the Ultimate Cinema Marathon. We watched the Men Who Stare at Goats, followed by An Education. Then, as mentioned Doctor Who ♥.
WEEK TWO: Not much this week. I went to see Michael McIntyre on the Tuesday with Gabby. We did skipping through North Greenwich tube station. The website said 18:30, the tickets said 20:00. We didn't collect the tickets until we arrived, therefore we were an hour and a half early. Cheesy chips were go :) This year he was performing in the O2 arena, as opposed to the smaller Indigo2. My seat was way way way up in 'the Gods' and I was on my own (poor Gabby was even further away), but still he managed to make me laugh like woah. My favourite bit by far = the men's changing room story.
WEEK THREE: Hannah came to stay :) I met her at St. Pancras and we went to Platform 9¾ to make wonderful wizard poses. There was a lady who took photos of us jumping at the wall (still waiting on that one, though). Later we went to Canary Wharf in search of Nando's, which took a good HALF HOUR. Damn street maps and underground passageways, delaying the humus and chickeny goodness. Afterwards we went to the cinema for MY FIRST EVER TWILIGHT EXPERIENCE. O chortle. There are only a handful of things I wish to comment on, I don't want to evoke any twi-wrath with my newbie observations. BUT, a) Bella Swan needs a good slapping. b) the solitary man in the row in front + suspicious trouser friction = ew. c) the audience reaction when Jacob first removes his top was h-y-s-t-e-r-i-c-a-l. Every school girl and her mum was in a flutter and for a good five minutes too. Hilarious. And finally d) I heard the rumours, yet I couldn't bring myself to believe it true. Edward sparkles. Deary me. The next morning we went Christmas shopping in Covent Garden. This involved Paperchase and Cath Kidston and Urban Outfitters and cupcakes at Primrose Bakery (again :)) and small pink frying pans with heart indentations. Later we went to Shoreditch in search of Cargo, the magical photo booth emporium. It was dark and cold and our directions consisted of a few red squiggles on the back of an old receipt, but the end result was well worth the hopelessly ill-informed walk (and the £24 we spent between us, oops.)

These are Hannah's scans. I'll add mine when I finally upload them. The back-to-the-camera shots were a bad idea though. We finished Hannah's visit with a trip to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. There were bright lights and fairground rides and candy floss and corn-on-the-cob and a singing moose, followed by krispy kremes and the Young Victoria. Fantastico.