I hate that for an aspiring writer I rarely, if ever, have anything of interest to write about. Other people seem to side-step this issue with deep and profound philosophisings or absurd attention to detail, or even complete and utter babble, but beyond the blatant, "Today I wrestled an eagle from the jaws of a mountain lion. Pizza for tea, again. Then I went to bed. Etc. Etc." it would seem that I have very little to say. I guess if pressed for an acceptable reason I would probably put it down to the severe sense of University-related lethargy I've been suffering from these past few weeks. I'm tired of independence and reading because I have to and living on spaghetti and pizza and cuppa soup alone. Sure, I'm having a great time in London, but I'm getting way past the stage where I just want to go home and see my family and my friends and rely fully on the presence of others again! Ah well. Never worry. Only eighteen days to go now.
On a less rantish note I've got some nice things to look forward to over the coming weeks, besides my joyfully looming homecoming. My mum is due to visit me on Wednesday or Thursday and we're going to partake in some serious Christmas shopping (and you have to be serious, battling it out in the Oxford Street throngs) and some less-than-serious afternoon tea cum chatting♥. Secondly, I have decided on the spur of the moment to go across to Oxford next week, to watch Charlotte in her drama society Christmas performance of Beauty and the Beast. Essays regardless, I think, I'll go on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning, stay the night on Charlotte's suprisingly comfortable bedroom floor and perhaps even go as far as to visit my auntie the next day. + Finally in the run-up to the 12th Harry and Charlotte are both coming to stay with me in London. :D So that means all thoughts of work out of the window and hopefully a trip to the ice-rink in Hyde Park. Along with the promise of pub quizzage tomorrow evening. I couldn't be happier!
Oh, and because all entries now look barren and imcomplete following my recent photo splurge:

A good night out at the Hobgoblin with Aaron, Rick, Nicole and soon-to-be local barwench, Jenny. (:
Highlights of the evening: Moustache tattoos, hardcore hula-hoops, chavvy pickup lines and lesbian declarations galore.