In 2008 I climbed Snowdon, went to London with my lit class (♥), went for interviews in Manchester and London, went to countless Open Days, re-sat AS level exams in English Lit and History, sat A Level exams in English Lit, History and German (+ an AS exam in the sham that is Critical Thinking), left school, dressed up for the Leaver's Ball, painted pigs in Llanberis, went to America with my family (California - Arizona - Nevada), went camping in St Davids with Harry, passed my driving test, passed my A Levels (AAC), was conned out of a Leeds ticket and went on a mini-roadtrip instead (Liverpool - Oxford - London), moved 251 miles away from home, turned nineteen and started University. In 2008 there were tea parties and driving lessons, gold medals and revision, pretty dresses and moustaches, tapas bars and tea-cup shots, tears and laughter and a lot, a lot of nerves.

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