At one o'clock I took the Piccadilly and Central lines to Bank, in order to catch the DLR. There, to my great pleasure, I was able to sit in a front window seat, so the journey took on a somewhat monorail-like, roller-coaster expectant form. I watched the Reader, starring Kate Winslet and Ralph Fiennes. Based on the novel, Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink, the Reader explores the subjects passion, illiteracy and the Holocaust. Having read the Reader over the Christmas period I found the film an accurate and powerful adaptation of a simple, yet effective story. I have since heard that Kate Winslet won a Golden Globe for her performance as ex-prison guard Hanna Schmitz and rightly so.
Unfortunately, I am yet to watch my second choice, Slumdog Millionaire. I meant to return and watch it in the evening, but there was a two hour wait between films and I felt I needed time to digest one film before diving straight into another (and I hear Slumdog has its heart-breakingly sad moments too). Perhaps I will return on Friday after my auntie's lunch visit and view it then.
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