I left New Cross on Tuesday 19 and hopped aboard a train to Gatwick Airport at London Bridge. This time I was entirely alone in my airport escapades, as there was not even a Harry to wave me off at the gate, yet I coped all the same. I had a very nice flight indeed. It was a bright, cloudless evening and I had an entire row to myself, so I spent the journey alternating between my library book and the miniature views beneath me. I arrived in Copenhagen some time later and my dad was there to greet me. We went back to his new flat on the Metro, where we ate pasta and watched Jerry McGuire.
My dad was working while I was in Denmark, so I spent the majority of the day entertaining myself. Considering I only had 20 kroner with me, which is the about equivalent of 2p thanks to the crazy exchange rate, this could have been a difficult task. Thankfully, however, the weather was lovely and Copenhagen has a lot of pretty parks, backstreets and free museums. On the Wednesday I had a morning of exploration. My dad's new flat was located much more centrally than his last, so there was only a five minute walk to Nyhavn with its colourful houses and boat-rides. I met my dad for lunch, then I went to the Danish Resistance Museum. We went there in February (and apparently back in 1996 too) but it was so interesting that I was keen to go again. In the evening my dad and I went for a walk in a Tivoli direction, but when we arrived we decided it was too late to go in. Instead we walked back and encountered hundreds of zombies roaming the streets of Copenhagen. One of them attempted to jump on me, but when my dad asked what was going on he quickly reverted to very polite, word-precise English and said, "Well you see, it's a special pub crawl..."
On the Thursday I had a museum-full day. In the morning I went to the Statens Museum for Kunst, which had an interesting modern art section and several rooms piled high with paintings. I bought a souvenier in the gift shop: a sushi set of mix and match stationery (or sushinery). It wasn't even Danish = I am officially obsessed with writing paper. I met my dad for lunch again and we went for a walk by the harbour. The Little Mermaid was quilted with tourists and their cameras in the afternoon sun, although I can't really comment as I took many a photo myself. After lunch I went to the National Museum, which we also visited in February. It was so big though, that we hardly did it justice.
At this point, may I say that I well and trully deadened my feet whilst I was in Copenhagen. I took three pairs of shoes with me and each one was as harmful and painful as the last. As a result I began shedding my shoes whenever I had the opportunity, first inside and away from other people, latterly every other moment as well - up to the point that I was walking along the dirty, wet pavements in nothing but my stockinged feet. And they still hurt. In the evening we went to Tivoli, where it proceeded in raining a great deal. We wandered about from shelter to shelter (of which there were surprisingly few), admiring the daring/foolhardiness of the people braving the rides in the rain and feeding the fish as we went. Eventually it cleared up a little and there was opportunity for me to go on a single ride before closing time.
I went back to London on the Friday, although my flight was not until the early evening. This meant I had ample time to continue my Copenhagen adventures during the day. Because it was my dad's last full day in Denmark too, I was assigned the job of re-visiting several places and buying postcards and other souveniers. By now, I was a hobbling wreck, so my progress was very slow and stunted. I bought myself a mini 'pengepostkasse' = a money box shaped like a Danish post-box and that was my money spent. The outward journey was as pleasant as that incoming and once again I had a row to myself. I got back to Gatwick at 10 o'clock, but thanks to a couple of silly train decisions I didn't get back to New Cross for another hour or so.

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