It's been a strange sort of week. A bit disjointed, a bit confusing, a bit fun.
On Tuesday I went to Chester with Charlotte. We did boyfriend shopping, which was not easy and ate deep fried mars bars in the rain which was very much so. In the evening we went to see Coco Avant Chanel. I lost my unlimited card and was in a bit of a panic, but I found an old email with a special number for such situations, so it all worked out okay in the end. Later we went for one last game of hide and seek. It went well, but for a vicious confrontation with Gareth regarding the number of people allowed in a car. Oh and that minor detail of dealing with harsh blue lights and policemen at one in the morning (Hannah's been arrested. Get to MFI carpark NOW).
On Wednesday it was Harry's birthday. 20 years old, scary stuff. I attempted to make and bake a red Lego cake in lieu of the occasion, but when I prised it from the baking tin it crumbled all over the kitchen counter and I had to postpone the idea when butter icing failed to stick it back together again. We went out for a meal in Wetherspoons and then to one-four-seven to play pool. It was a rather quiet affair, but there is talk of a camping trip in the next few weeks so not to worry.
Last night we went to Liverpool for Hannah and Sam's birthday celebrations. Travelling by so-called boogie bus (read: BOOOOGIE BUS ♫) was an interesting experience. There was in fact very little 'boogying' involved, but that probably had more to do with our own aversion to the backseat dance floor. Anything, it seemed, was permitted aboard the boogie bus. In Liverpool we went to a number of bars and a number of clubs, where I drank many a colourful cocktail, a cream-egg flavoured concoction and a handful of apple VKs. It was an enjoyable night with a little bit of detective agency thrown in for added confusion (don't ask). We got back to Colwyn Bay at half four, where I found myself pressed to provide bedding for eight or so guests. The house proved very satisfactory on account of the duvets, blankets and pillows it had to offer, but was slightly less forthcoming with regards to actual beds.
And now it is the day after, I slept a total of three and a half hours last night and I am thus recovering with KFC and teacakes. In a minute I'm going to curl up with a duvet and watch the Darjeeling Limited. I do love Adrien Brody. ♥

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