The next day I trundled off to uni with my sleeping bag in tow and after four hours of lectures I set off on another weekend adventure. I arrived in Loughborough (which is where, by the way?) at twenty to eight and after some initial confusion Hannah met me at the station. We took a bus to the campus and spent the rest of the evening catching up, eating pizza and chocolate buttons and watching Skins and films about drag queens. Apparently, we lost a bet which involved five a.m. bedtimes and chinese takeaways, but it was well worth it :) On Saturday we went shopping in the town centre. I bought Alice in Wonderland in a charity shop, a Cadbury's cream egg milkshake (with baby marshmallows) and a jumper that wouldn't look out of place aboard the good ship Enterprise. We had another cozy evening in which we ate chili and watched the X Factor and Peep Show re-runs and One Tree Hill. Hannah did lots of artwork and I read a page or two during the adverts. My, that house is bleak. :) On Sunday we took full advantage of daylight saving time and had a lie-in, then we went to see Up in Loughborough's old-school cinema. It was a lovely little film, despite the background babble of the child-infested audience, and now I'd love one of these, please.

We bought crepes for the walk home again (monkey madness, indeed) and then proceeded to make far too much spaghetti for tea and watch more iplayer goodness before bed. :) Thank you for having me to stay, Hannah. It was lovely and I can't wait to see you again soon. ♥

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