Um, perhaps I should have reserved the 'bah humbug' title until
after the Christmas Carol themed ball.
I won't go into too much detail about the horridly frantic day I had on Thursday. Let it simply be said that text messages, the London Underground and estate agents were all involved at one point or another. And apparently I'd sooner buy a frog jumper than a ball gown :) However I located a dress in the end and come four o'clock on Friday I ran from my creative writing workshop shouting, "TRAAAIN". There's nothing I hate more than the race from New Cross to King's Cross or Euston, but somehow I managed to make the quarter to five train
and acquire a seat amid all the businessmen. I made do with catching my breath and reading the paper until I got to Cambridge.
Harry met me at the station and we wandered into the town centre, catching up in super sonic speech and cutting each other off at equal opportunity. There was some story about the boat house that I still don't know the end of. I dashed into a couple of shops before they closed and bought a pair of last minute shoes in M&S. Then, off to Harry's new room, which in reality looked very much like his old room (mess and all :)). I gave it a bit of a polish before Charlotte and David arrived and Harry ironed his suit. Then they appeared in a taxi and I showered and changed into my dress and then the Selwyn Snow Ball was go.
Well, sort of. First we had to queue in the rain with a single umbrella and a few mince pies, but we made it inside eventually. (Knock knock, who's there? Interrupting starfish. Interrupting star... :)). In the course of the evening we ate doughnuts, figured out the one-way system, wandered out into the cold more times than I cared for, ate chips, drank milky cocktails with Dickensesque names, watched a magician, listened to a band or two, gambled in the casino, drank a few too many free alcopops, drank hot Pimms and attempted to drink vodka from a 'luge', danced in the silent disco and sang along to a host of Christmas tunes.
I had a lovely time. My only wish that Harry hadn't left so early the next morning. I miss that boy.