Fear not. The title of this post does not reflect my real-life sentiments. I actually feel like this: "It's CHRISTMASSS", in true Slade style of course. Yesterday = the first o'December and as a result my official xmas countdown has begun. After university I packed my bags and set off for Oxford. It was dark by the time I arrived and the lights were all a-twinkle on Cornmarket Street. I popped into Borders (which, whaa? is shutting down? I hate you recession.) for my first wintry Starbucks of the season (caramel hot chocolate, om nom nom). There's something about those Christmassy red cups that makes the £2.85 completely worthwhile :)
Hot chocolate in mittened hand I set off for Keble, where I met up with David. We went to the Eagle and Child (Tolkien and Lewis were 'ere) for dinner and then we moseyed on over to Wadham College to watch Snow White and the Seven Vertically-Challenged Treasure Hunters! ft. such favourites as Charlotte Hindley and the Bee Man. Afterwards, we went back to David's room where we played iPhone Trivial Pursuit, Mario Kart and Crash Bandicoot, watched Family Guy and ate Dominoes pizza. We then realised it was LATE and so we stayed put, rather than venturing out to Charlotte's house in the dark and the cold (thank you very much for the loan of your bed, David). In the morning there was more Mario Kart and Sonic the Hedgehog, then I set off back to London after a nice panini lunch. Continuing in the xmas spirit I might watch Disney's Christmas Carol this week (the title of this post, explained at last!). I fear it will ruin all things Jim Carrey/Ebenezer Scrooge, but there again Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a grumpy old man in a nightgown.
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