Stephen's first interrail postcard (well, as it says on the back, it's actually his fourth, but I am scanning and uploading these postcards as they stand on the postcard wall and this one just so happens to be the first). I'm glad somebody was able to enjoy Warsaw. Who knew it was an amazing place with a lively night life? Not I. To me, Warsaw is a hot and dusty city with a great museum, a Hard Rock Cafe and a scary Soviet milk bar. I couldn't begin to imagine where the pretty palace on the front of this postcard might be. I really must go back there one day and do poor Warsaw some justice, because one night at the end of a two week holiday clearly isn't enough. Also, I'm pleased to see that Stevie actually used stamps on his travels. My interrail postcards are a big fat disappointment in that respect, because I was far too slow and lazy when it came to post offices (hence all my postcards were sent from Poznan).
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