Saturday 6 November 2010

Mr Postman.

The other day my Art of the Novel tutor told the class that the epistolary novel would no longer work in this day and age, because "nobody writes letters anymore". Well Mr Parnell, I am here to prove you wrong! One of my favourite university past-times is snail mail; writing letters, receiving letters, hell! even ordering course books and catalogues online, simply so I can appreciate the sound of something falling through my letterbox on a weekday morning. In my first year I had more books of stamps than I had hot dinners and even now I have a whole drawer dedicated to (read: overflowing with) writing paper and notecards. You've got to love the written word, particularly when it comes through the post on sushinery stationery. So, here's to you Mr Postman; thank you for a lovely letterbox week.

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