Sunday 4 October 2009

Wild Things.

On Friday, after a busy day of lectures, I jumped aboard the 436 and went to Lewisham in search of last minute fancy dress supplies. In Rolls and Rems I bought a meter of fleecy white felt and some thread and in the Works I acquired card, paintbrushes and gold paint for the making of crowns. Back at the house I set about constructing a costume and speed sewing in the kitchen I made a makeshift wolf hat and a golden crown (the clumsy needlework puts my W.I. membership to shame, but considering it was a one hour job I'm rather proud). Later, in New Cross I walked up and down Jerningham Rd more times than I care to count, looking for Emily and Taylor. My hat attracted several drunken compliments, so it was almost worth it. Eventually we overcame our communication difficulties and I met them at the bottom of the road. The wild rumpus was in full flow when we arrived, the rooms of the small house overflowing with paper mache fox hats and Max crowns and fluffy onesies. Taylor's homemade wild thing outfit caused quite a stir and we had a balloon fight in the kitchen; Emily patrolled the garden and reprimanded those who attempted to urinate on the Christmas tree; Emily accosted Josh Baines on several separate occasions ("I added you on Facebook Josh Baines, but you've never spoken to me") and bad-mannered drunkards threw bread buns around in Aliya's bedroom. By the time we got back to Vesta Road it was nearly four o'clock.

(Taylor tried on all the hats, these are a couple of examples)

In the morning proper we sat in the kitchen for a couple of hours reminding Emily and enlightening her housemates as to the nights' goings on. On the way down the hill I realised I'd lost my oyster card, so rather than contemplating the walk home I hid away in the library for a couple of hours (incidentally, I've seen more of the library this past week than all the weeks of last year put together). On the way home I paid a visit to the Amersham Arms, where I browsed among the jumble and purchased a teacup and saucer and a slice of the most delicious tea-loaf ever. Home = cold. The house is perfect; we have a park, we have FISH (who, by the way, I'll have to introduce you to at some point), but dammit I wish we could turn the central heating on every once in a while. I am living under a bundle of blankets and hot water bottles at the moment. In lieu of the late night I had a particularly lazy evening. I made soup, changed into my warmest clothes and then ventured out to Tescos where I splurged on chocolate and popcorn. Then, Alice and I watched American Psycho and intense Channel 5 dramas and Monty Python until bedtime.

This morning I slept in, read some of my book (the Pianist, not Bleak House as it should be) and made plans with Jenny for the day. We walked to New Cross (must. buy. oyster card. soon.) and went to 'A Little Bazaar' at the Amersham. Jenny left early and I bought two brooches: one a sheep, one a house :) Now, I'm off to Central to re-find Jenny and her friend Alex and drinks!

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