Wednesday 24 March 2010


Burgers and Pictionary at the Court produced some memorable, if a little incoherent, quotations. I hereby refer to the notes scribbled on the fridge in sharpie pen.

* "Let's pretend he's pulling the bus"
* "Teabagging fiend"
* "I'm going to call my child Gandalf. His friends can call him Gandhi"
* "No more tongue please, sir"
* "Start at 9 o'clock." "Wait, one, two."
* "There's no Winston Churchill here, Jessica."

And the best chat-up line of all time? "I am Isambard Kingdom Brunel and you are the champion of the narrow gauge." Oh UCL boys.

Next on the Scawen Road agenda = homemade lasagna, Monty Python: Not the Messiah at cineworld and building up a repetoire of amazing dinosaur exclamations. Terrifidactyl. Supersaurus. It's a work in progress.

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