Monday 17 November 2008

The Postal Service, Etc.

Today I stood in line for an hour at the Post Office, with the sole intention of buying a 50p stamp and engaging in a transaction of no more than two minutes, max. Honestly, I was beginning to understand why pointless wars are started, as the tension quickly mounted and everyone joined together in frustration against the poor, over-worked staff. It passed the time between lecture and seminar, anyhow..
Furthermore, I witnessed an absolute travesty in my Explorations Lecture this afternoon. The lecturer - a man of English Literature, no less - commanded a student to rip three pages from his text-book. It was awful. Josh, Lydia and I sat at the back of the lecture theatre muttering, 'Sacrilege', 'Blasphemy' and 'Nazi' to ourselves, until he stopped the madness.

I had a pretty sub-standard weekend, full of deadlines and ill and sleep and robbery and last minute laundry trips. I'm losing more and more motivation as the weeks wear on and the holiday countdown begins in my head. I really just want to go home now.
Possibility of a party tonight. I might make a birthday card and pop up for an hour or so later, but I am SO tired right now, it's unreal. I even attempted an early night yesterday. I was in bed by 12 o'clock, believe it or not, yet sleep still refused to come. Gahh.

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