Thursday 10 September 2009

Memory Keeper.

The plan for tonight is 500 Days of Summer, followed by nostalgia evening at Emma's house, so today I've been spending some quality time among the family archives and putting our new scanner to good use in preparation for the latter. The following pictures are some of my favourites. I especially love the over sized glasses and the rainbow braces in the second photograph down.

I've always been a one for the past, trawling through the baby books time and time again, but until this morning I didn't appreciate just how many photographs we own. Whilst searching for a photo of my younger self dressed as a pirate (I never did find it, I wonder if such a thing actually exists or whether I just dreamt it) I found several albums I had never seen before, among them my parents' university photos. It was a little unnerving; they looked so young, strange to think they were only a year or so older than me when the images were first documented. It makes me wonder how well we'd get along if I met them in London and also, in a perverse way, it feels a little like looking into the future. I'm certainly beginning to see where I get the over-the-top photographing instinct from though.

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