Tuesday 8 March 2011

Honolulu Heights.

We have been living the life of a supernatural hostel this week. Or rather, Gaz is in London (hereby known as the Big Peach) for a couple of days on official newspaper business, and he is sleeping on our futon. (And by official newspaper business I mean he is reading old copies of the Sun and the Telegraph at the British Library newspaper archive in Colindale; no hack journalism involved to my knowledge). There are beanie hats everywhere and I have been stretching my football knowledge to its limits in order to provide interesting sports-centric conversation, but otherwise he is proving very pleasant company.

On Sunday we watched Wonders of the Universe on BBC2 and took great pleasure in discovering that Brian Cox was once a member of Dare (Paris's dad's band) and that said band went to Disneyland together and lost their car in the car park (thanks youtube!). On Monday we went Quizzee Rascaling at the Auctioneer. I love pub quizzes and I don't go to enough in London. Gaz, Gabby and Jen bonded over a bit of light pennying and we finished off the night with chip shop chips. On Tuesday it was Pancake Day (the latest pancake day until March 2038 if Gaz's wikipedia facts are anything to go by). We had prawn and tuna to start with (much to Gabby's - unjustified, I think - disgust) and then lemon and sugar for pudding. I finally, finally made use of the heart-shaped frying pan that I bought way back when. On Wednesday we set off for Shoreditch, two for one vouchers in hand, where we met up with Sarah and Amber and proceeded to walk to Spitalfields Market. We ate dinner at Giraffe and were so engrossed in North Wales discussion that Gaz thought it was best to check over his shoulder when he mentioned somebody's name in a slanderous context just in case they were listening. Thankfully, we had not been followed 245 miles by anybody we knew. Afterwards we went to Cargo, where Gaz swore at his £4.50 San Miguel, we watched and theorised about an excessive PDA and I took the worst photobooth photo of my life.

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