Sunday 20 March 2011

Life is a cabaret.

I have to admit (and would you believe it?) that I am not the world's biggest Matt Smith fan. Nowadays this has less to do with left-over David Tennant replacement resentment - I think he does a great job on Doctor Who in all honesty (fezzes are cool) - and more to do with this youtube video and the football scenes from the James Corden episode, 'The Lodger'. I imagine that in real life he is like that all the time. The slick Hoxton scenester, as Alice once put it, as we cheered on Team Arthur/Rory (although let it be said that I would not pass on the chance to dance around to the Doctor Who theme tune either). Slight unfounded antipathy aside, however, I have been looking forward to Christopher and His Kind for quite some time now. I find most biographical-novelist-period-drama-type programmes interesting and I am a fan of Goodbye to Berlin and Christopher Isherwood in particular, so it was always going to be good in my book. However, I was not expecting to like it quite so much. The script was powerful, the acting was all-round wonderful and Matt Smith has risen a notch or two higher in my estimations. Although I still maintain he has a square face.

On another note, it's a little bit odd that a film, which to a large extent is about the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany, would fuel my ambition to polish off my German skills and spend some time in Berlin next year, but there you go. I want to be a 'born foreigner' like Christopher Isherwood too.

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