Friday 26 June 2009


I am currently sıttıng ın the foyer of the Sunsmıle Apartments ın Turkey typıng on a keyboard wıth no commas and an "I" button that doesnt have a dot. Plus ğüşçö :)

I was goıng to wrıte a long and detaıled blog entry and upload some photos but ıts 5YTL per hour (£2.50 but stıll) and my camera proceeded ın electrocutıng me when I plugged ıt ınto the USB slot. In the meantıme then let ıt be saıd that there have been holıday reps, (found the comma) balconies, sleepless nıghts, long days by the pool, extreme barterıng, free cakes, Turkısh baths, boat trıps, sunburn and fısh bowls galore and I shall wrıte a longer, photo-enhanced account when I get home on Tuesday.

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